Machinery & Equipment Appraisals
MachineryAppraisals.net is a division of Truman Mox, Inc., the leading Machinery and Equipment Appraiser in the United States, providing Machinery and Equipment Appraisals.
We are a nationally recognized third-party valuation firm that you can rely on for machinery and equipment appraisals, feasibility studies, business valuations, and inventory audits. Our firm has a reputation for reliability and accuracy in all our service facets.
Many reasons why a business proprietor or delegate might require an Equipment and Machinery Appraisal. An accurate appraisal can be highly beneficial in tasks such as securing a loan, buying or selling equipment, or assessing the financial value of the business. We work in numerous industries including:
- Manufacturing Equipment
- Construction Equipment
- Medical & Dental
- Restaurant Equipment
- Mining Equipment
- Fitness & Gym Equipment
- Transportation
- Technology Equipment
- Farm Equipment
Our independent third-party firm services members of the entire business community including banks, business owners, attorneys, and CPA’s. We offer our expertise across all 50 states and overseas.
Each report prepared by the Truman Mox firm is assembled and reviewed by an accredited Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser (CMEA) from the Nebb Institute and an accredited Expert Equipment Certified Appraiser (EECA) from the Institute of Equipment Valuation. We ensure that our appraisals will meet the requirements of financial institutions, federal examiners, OTS (Office of Thrift Supervision), IRS, buyers & sellers, and the SBA.
Reasons for a Machinery and Equipment Appraisal
- Asset Based Lending
- New Loan Collateral
- Refinance Loan Collateral
- Annual Audit or Review
- SBA 7(a) Loan
- Loan Default Situations
- Portfolio Management
- Bankruptcy
- Landlord Repossession
- Partnership Dissolutions
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Private Equity Due Diligence
- Form 8283 Charitable Donation
- Buy-Sell Scenarios
- Estate Settlement
- Divorce Matters
- Allocation of Purchase Price
- Eminent Domain
- Insurance Loss Settlements
- Tangible Asset Tax
Types of Machinery and Equipment Appraisal Reports
Desktop Appraisal Report
A desktop appraisal is a type of property appraisal that is conducted without a physical inspection of the property. Instead, the Machinery and Equipment Appraiser relies on data sources such as public records, and other market data to determine the value of the property. This type of appraisal is typically used when a full appraisal with a physical inspection is not necessary or practical, or when there are time, travel considerations, or budget constraints. Desktop appraisals are often used for refinancing, portfolio reviews, and pre-listing valuations, among other purposes. The client will forward the Machinery and Equipment Appraiser Photographs and a list of Manufacturer names, Model Numbers, Serial Numbers, and other important data.
Full Appraisal Report
A full Appraisal reports involve your Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser gathering information and photographs of each item. Discusses the purpose of the Appraisal, the valuation method used the appraiser’s conclusions and any limitations or qualifications on the appraisal. An appraisal report of this nature requires the appraiser to visually see and inspect each piece of equipment being appraised.
Types of Values
There are numerous types of values we can provide for your Machinery and Equipment Appraisal. The three most common types to value are:
Fair Market Value
Fair Market Value is the estimated amount, expressed in terms of money, that may reasonably be expected for a property in an exchange between a willing buyer and a willing seller, with equity to both, neither under any compulsion to buy or sell, and both fully aware of all relevant facts, as of a specific date.
Orderly Liquidation Value
Orderly Liquidation Value is the estimated gross amount, expressed in terms of money, that could be typically realized from a liquidation sale, given a reasonable period of time to find a purchaser (or purchasers), with the seller being compelled to sell on an as-is, where-is basis, as of a specific date.
Forced Liquidation Value
Forced Liquidation Value is the estimated gross amount, expressed in terms of money, that could typically be realized from a properly advertised and conducted public auction, with the seller being compelled to sell with a sense of immediacy on an “as is,” “where is” basis, as of a specific date.